Welcome to the 2025 season!!!

LYSC is gearing up for the 2025 season and requesting all Recreational coaches to let us know if they are returning for the upcoming season.   We are also seeking NEW coaches in all age divisions and want to ensure we include you in all club communication going forward regarding the 2025 season.


Please review the  Age Matrix to confirm what age group you are interested in coaching this year as it may have changed since last year. We will continue to move teams to "Age Pure"; meaning rosters will have players all in the same birth year.   There will be limits to players "playing up" an age division so teams will fare better against teams against other leagues that may be age pure.


All returning coaches (head or assistant) are requested to complete the following pre-registration form to be added to our 2024 Coach Communication list.  Please complete the Coach Interest Form so we have an idea of our coaches in age division going into registration.

Step 3

Complete the Gotsport Coach Registration here:    Coach Registration


Complete the coach requirements list in your Gotsport account in your Dashboard beginning June 1st.  Please wait until after June 1st to begin the requirements.  If you do any of the requirements prior to June 1st, they will apply to the current season (2024-2025) and not the future season of (2025-2026).  Please complete the requirements by June 30th in order to receive your roster at the coaches meeting.

 NEW coaches will be required to do the following:

  1.  Background Check (which is good for two years)
  2.  SafeSport Training Course (required annually)
  3.  Adverse Eligibility List Review
  4. Staff Registrant Annual Certification
Returning coaches will need to go to their Dashboard to see what requirements will need to be completed.
The coaches meeting is usually held the third week of July. This is where you will receive your roster, equipment, and coach shirt.  Communication will be emailed out as we get closer to July. 

If there are any questions, please feel free to reach out to recregistrar@lincolnsoccer.org or any of our other board members.

Team Rosters

Each coach shall keep with him/her an official team roster listing all active players for that season and all medical waivers.  The following roster minimum / maximums will be considered as the guidelines:

Age Group # Players on field Min Roster Max Roster 
Under 6 4 6 8
Under 8 4 6 8
Under 9 7 10 14
Under 10 7 10 14
Under 11 9 12 16
Under 12 9 12 16
Under 13 11 14 18
Under 14 Above 11 14 18

No team roster will be changed without prior approval from the club registrar.  Amended rosters will be sent out to the coach (s) once a change has been authorized.  This includes, but is not limited to, any add, transfer or removal of players or coaches.   Any changes may incur additional fees due at the time of the request.




California Soccer Coaching Tips!
You Don't Coach the Referees.

What is offsides?  Please view this animated demonstration that explains the Law around offsides.



September 9th at 7:00pm  


What we learned at the Cal South
Instructor/Assessor clinic!
  Should be great information 


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