Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for New Coaches

Thank you for your interesting in helping support our league and help the children in our area enjoy the game of soccer!  We field many questions from brand new coaches and people who are considering coaching. These are some of the most frequent questions we hear. Please read on, and if you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

General FAQs

How do I become a coach?

There are 2 things you can do to let us know you’d like to coach. 


1) To get on our communication list and sign up, please complete the following link:   Coach Interest Form

 2) Ensure you sign up online in the Got Sport system after verifying what age group your child will be playing this season.

(Full directions on coach main page).   Coach Registration


** Live Scan-- As part of the background check, you will need to get a Live Scan which involves a fingerprint and background check.   You may have had this done with another organization but will need to do it with LYSC as the results are only accessible that organization.  Once you have done this for LYSC, you do not have to get it done.   The coach coordinators will let you know when we will have a vendor out to lifescan or where you can go get it done at no cost (billed to the club). 

Who do I contact with questions?
If you have questions about coaching for LYSC, contact the appropriate  coach coordinator for the age group.  Their contact information is available on the main coach page.

Do I need a license?
It is preferred but not required.  See the Coach Licensing FAQ at the bottom of this page.

What equipment do I need?
The Club provides each coach with an equipment package each year (usually 4-5 balls, cones & pennies or pug goals). You might want to invest in more cones – you can never have too many cones.

What can I expect in my first year?
You will have to attend a mandatory coach meeting in July. The team rosters and equipment are distributed at this meeting along with going over safety protocols. Practice begins in August and games begin in September. The season ends in mid November.

What kind of help can I expect?
At the coaches meeting, you will receive a team binder that contains a great deal of soccer coaching material, our rules, policies and procedures. New coaches are strongly recommended to attend the various training session we offer during the summer and the simulated games set up.

Where can I read up on soccer coaching?
The big book stores carry a supply of soccer coaching books in the sports section or you can check the “Links” page from our main website.   There are also a ton of videos online on how to conduct practices and we will be having several vendors you may access (Vision Soccer, FC Republic, NorCal)

All those rules can be confusing. How can I get a better handle on the rules?
Become a referee. Contact for information on becoming a referee.   The Laws of the Game are available upon request.

Licensing FAQs

Do I need a license to coach?
NorCal suggests that all recreational head coaches go through the Grassroots Training and the appropriate training for their age group (4v4, 7v7, 11v11)

What classes are offered?

Most classes are online for the lower level and LYSC may host field components.


Who are the instructors?
The instructors are nationally certified coaches who are rigorously trained in NorCal's curriculum.  LYSC has no role in who is selected to be the instructor.

Is there an exam?
No.  If you complete the course you will receive your license.

What about my kids?
We request that you make babysitting arrangements for your children.  The classes are long and classroom we frequently use is small. In consideration of the instructor and your fellow coaches, we request that you not bring your children to class.