Frequently Asked Questions

Q: When is registration?
A: Registration is usually held April through May.  See the Program Page for Recreation Soccer for dates.  Registration fees will be announced soon once the budget is finalized at the Board level. Registration fees cover referee, insurance, picture packet for each player (individual & team), field and equipment expenses (paint, nets, lights, goals, etc. $20 for each player goes to the city for field usage) and administration fees for the league ($ for each player goes to our parent league (NorCal) for insurance and other administrative costs) 

Q: How old does my child have to be in order to play soccer?
A: Please check the Age Matrix and multiple programs we offer for players from U4 - U19.   Age Matrix

Q: What is Comp Soccer and why are there tryouts?

A: Comp Soccer is for children that are ready to test their abilities at a higher level. This level of play differs from that of the Recreational league; In “Rec” the only criteria to play is through registration. “Rec” is available to all ages (U-6 through U-19). In the Comp league, your child must try-out, by demonstrating their soccer skills through drills and direct competition with other children. The Coach of the Comp team chooses the best players (in their judgment) and offers the child a position on the team. Comp soccer requires a higher level of commitment as well. Every Comp player is expected to attend every practice and every game. The Comp teams tend to travel further distances as well; it is common to have a game in places such as Chico, Yuba City, Davis, Napa, Corning, Manteca, Elk Grove and Fairfield.

Q: If my child does not make the Comp team, what happens then?

A: You would register your child at the next opportunity and your child will be placed on a “Rec” team.

Q: When does the season begin?
A: The season for most age groups will begin the first Saturday after Labor Day and runs between 10-11 weeks for age groups u6-u14. The first game is usually begin the weekend after Labor Day until the weekend before Thanksgiving week with a one week break in October. The games may be played in Lincoln, Granite Bay, Loomis, Roseville or Rocklin. Under 6 and Under 8 will play in Lincoln only. For U15-U19, the season will begin mid August and end at the end of October. 

Q: When do practices begin?
A: For the “Rec” league, practices will begin in early August. Comp practices will begin in June. Practices time and days are determined by our VOLUNTEER coaches and held throughout the city of Lincoln. We CAN NOT guarantee a team will practice near your home and practices may start as early as 4:30 p.m.   Once rosters are set, we are NOT able to move players to accommodate special requests (friends, coach, practice time, etc).  Refunds will be issued but only per the Refund policy located in the download section.   

Q: How long is the season?
A: There are approximately 10 regular season games played over 11 weeks (one bye week). Games start at early as 8:30 am. or as late as 3 p.m.  Game time is dependent on the age group and field availability. If field conditions are unsafe, games may be cancelled as the City of Lincoln typically closes the field access for the club. Recreation games are not rescheduled due to rain out or other issues outside the club's control.  

The Competitive season starts in mid August and concludes in early November but teams often participate in summer tournaments or Spring League. 

Q: How are teams formed?
A: We attempt to keep the teams together when they progress through the various age groups and strive to keep teams "age pure (same age)". If you want a particular coach, the name of the coach or the team MUST be on the registration form. Please ensure the coach will be in the same age group and is coaching for the upcoming year. We try to honor all requests but can not guarantee your child will be placed on a requested team. NO CHANGES will be made once teams are set without LYSC board approval.

Q: What day are the games played?

A: League games are played on Saturday. Comp teams may participate in tournaments that play on Sunday or have scheduled games on Sundays.

LINCOLN YOUTH SOCCER CLUB follows local city park and school field/facilities and requires all participants and spectators utilizing fields to comply with the local city park/ school ordinances. By using and/or visiting this website, you acknowledge that you understand and agree to follow local city parks/school ordinances. Lincoln Youth Soccer Club is not liable for participants or spectators who are in violation of local city park/school ordinances or damages that occur by those in violation of local school/city park ordinances.

Lincoln Youth Soccer is a non-profit league run by volunteers and is not affiliated with the City of Lincoln. All parents wanting to assist with the league are encouraged to attend the monthly board meetings or drop us a line at

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