Welcome to the Lincoln Youth Soccer Club Recreational Soccer Page
Lincoln Youth Soccer Club offers a recreational soccer program to anyone wishing to play the beautiful game where the emphasis is on fun and skill development in a reasonably competitive environment. We are a non-profit volunteer organization and not affiliated with the City of Lincoln.
Anyone can sign up utilizing the online program managed by GotSport when the registration period opens around March 1st of each year. The younger age groups (U6 and U8) tend to fill up first and early registration is suggested. Coaches are volunteers from our membership and we encourage everyone to step up to help the club operate whether it be a coach, assistant coach, team parent or help out on our Board in any capacity. Without volunteers, our club will not exist and the children of our community would be unable to participate in this wonderful sport.
Practices are held at various fields throughout Lincoln and times are determined by our VOLUNTEER coaches. Fields utilized by the club include: Foskett Regional Park (older age groups, U12-U19), Joiner Park, Singer Park and Twelve Bridges Park. Practices may begin as early as 4:30 p.m. due to limited space available along with the number of the teams in the club.
Our season runs from August 1st to the middle of November. Games begin the weekend after Labor Day. Each team will play 10 league games and have a one week break after 5 games as teams are reseeded based on the first 5 games. . The U6-U8 age groups all play only against other Lincoln teams so there is no travel required. The U10 through U14 age groups will play other local clubs such as Rocklin, Roseville, Loomis, and Granite Bay. The U16 and U19 age groups play in the Super Rec League that is governed and run by Nor Cal. In the U16 and U19 age groups more travel is required as the area encompasses all leagues within Nor Cal Region 6. Also, U16 and above will start 3 weeks earlier than the other age groups (mid August). Each team will have five home and five away games.
Recreational Schedules
Information on recreational schedules are posted on the main page and usually available a week before the 1st and 6th game of the season.
Equipment Requirements
All players are required to have soccer cleats (no toe cleat) and shin guards for all practices and games. If you wish to purchase a soccer ball, the size of the ball that is used are based on the division and are as follows: U6-U8 use a size 3 soccer ball, U9-U12 use a size 4 ball, and U13 and above use a size 5 ball.
Uniforms are required for all games and available by mid July. The kit includes 2 jerseys (white, blue), shorts and socks. The purchase price is separate from the registration fees. We will update the uniform information once the vendor and kits are confirmed for the year.
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