The following information may be found at the NorCal mainsite but the highlights are below.

Nor Cal Player Health & Safety


Athlete Removal/Return to Play –

  1. An athlete who is suspected of sustaining a concussion or other head injury, or who has passed out or fainted, in an athletic activity shall be immediately removed from the athletic activity for the remainder of the day, and shall not be permitted to return to any athletic activity until the athlete is evaluated by a licensed healthcare provider. The athlete shall not be permitted to return to athletic activity until the athlete receives written clearance to return to athletic activity from a licensed healthcare provider. If the licensed healthcare provider determines that the athlete sustained a concussion or other head injury, the athlete shall also complete a graduated return-to-play protocol of no less than seven days in duration under the supervision of a licensed healthcare provider.
  2. If the licensed healthcare provider suspects that the athlete has a cardiac condition that puts the athlete at risk for sudden cardiac arrest or other heart-related issues, the athlete shall remain under the care of the licensed healthcare provider to pursue follow-up testing until the athlete is cleared to play.
  3. If an athlete who is 17 years of age or younger has been removed from athletic activity due to a suspected concussion or due to fainting or another suspected cardiac condition, the youth sports organization shall notify a parent or guardian of that athlete of the time and date of the injury, the symptoms observed, and any treatment provided to that athlete for the injury.

WEBSITES (with downloadable PDFs and training)

US Soccer Recognize to Recover Homepage – Head and Brain Conditions

US Soccer Recognize to Recover Homepage – Cardiac Conditions

Center for Disease Control and Prevention: Heads Up Concussions in Youth Sport

Concussion Legacy Foundation Resources

Understanding Sudden Cardiac Arrest